Does your village know you love them?

Last night I felt a moment of pure joy, you know when you  feel so incredibly happy that you think you might cry and you just have to say out loud to anyone in earshot that you are having a moment of pure joy…you know that feeling?

Mine was caused by watching four amazing women greeting each other in my living room, they are smart, funny, strong and MAN, CAN THEY DRINK! I watched them hug hello, laugh and say things like “I love your hair” “I’ve missed you” “Someone open this bottle quick!”.

Everyone has, or should have, people like this in their lives. I have several and the four that showed up last night were the exact right four for what needed to happen…drinking copious amounts of wine.

These women love me and I love them. We have shared experiences, supported each other in times of change, cheered for each other when things went well, laughed at each other when we acted ridiculous.

Some advice to all the women and men out there who have their own little villages, tell each other the things you wait to say until there are times of trouble. Tell people they are strong, smart, funny, amazing and that you love them, tell them this even when times are good.

And by the way….I did get up for golf this morning, yes golf in December in Canada, so in your face know who you are, doubting me.


5 thoughts on “Does your village know you love them?

  1. What an important question to pose. I often worry about whether or not the people in my life know that I love them, as I’m a bit private at times. I’ve been working toward making more of an effort to show them how much I truly care.

    Thanks for sharing!


    1. Hi Krista, it is hard when you are more private with your feelings to ensure that people around you know how you feel. I admire that you’re putting those feelings out there. I’m shy (which isn’t the same as private, I know) but my family is very openly loving (hugs and “l love you”) and now that I am a fully grown up person I feel much more able, responsible, willing….to tell my friends that they are important to me. Keep working on it, the energy you will put out there and then get back is so worth the momentary discomfort. Thanks for reading my post. Take care.

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