Ode to a Boot

You are damaged,

Shabby and old, and worn.

Worn out, worn down, worn thin, you have holes that let the damp in.

You are faded,

Washed out, greyed, and pale, the air around you is odorous and stale.

You’ve done your job,

Kept me moving, kept me warm, kept me dry, this parting isn’t worth a cry.

So step aside old friend,

Your time is at an end,

No more walking in the snow,

To the back of the closet you will go.

Note: these boots will be relegated to the cabin, with all the other “not good enough to donate but too good to chuck out” clothing items, and will be worn for many years to come.

2 thoughts on “Ode to a Boot

  1. I love this. I had a pair of boots I had to retire after years of use and being resoled 3 times until there was no more leather in front for one more time. When I did my little autobiographical nostalgia painting last summer, I painted them on “my” feet in memoriam. Here they are. Their original laces were blue which was part of Merrell’s trademark at the time. I left them in Switzerland at a friend’s house.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Martha.
      Those boots are gorgeous, hopefully they are still being worn in Switzerland.
      My absolutely favourites are a pair of ARTS that I bought second hand in Nelson BC. They have been resoled a couple of times and I prefer not to wear them in the snow or wet…I want them to last forever!


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